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Lunchtime Solutions, Inc., a growing food service management company, is currently accepting applications for the following positions in Elk Point Jefferson School District located in Elk Point, SD:
Kitchen Helper/Cashier
Kitchen Helper/Server
Substitutes: Hours vary, on-call basis with kitchen duties including prep work, serving, washing dishes and clean up.
Qualified candidates must demonstrate good customer service skills and an ability to work in a team environment. Dependability is a must. We are offering a very competitive wage based on qualifications and skills.
For more information and application materials:
1. Contact Kassi at 712-454-9910, or Email Kassi
2. Pick up an application at the School District office
3. Fill out an application online at Lunch Time Solutions.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Bus Route Driver
Substitutes: Hours vary, on-call basis
For more information and application materials:
1. Contact Amanda Glassmeyer at 605-356-2070, or email: amanda.glassmeyer@firstgroup.com
Equal Opportunity Employer