Lunchtime Solutions, Inc.

Lunchtime Solutions, Inc., a growing food service management company, is currently accepting applications for the following positions in Elk Point Jefferson School District located in Elk Point, SD: 

Kitchen Helper/Cashier


Kitchen Helper/Server

Substitutes:  Hours vary, on-call basis with kitchen duties including prep work, serving, washing dishes and clean up. 

Qualified candidates must demonstrate good customer service skills and an ability to work in a team environment. Dependability is a must. We are offering a very competitive wage based on qualifications and skills. 

For more information and application materials:

1. Contact Kassi at 712-454-9910, or Email Kassi
2. Pick up an application at the School District office
3. Fill out an application online at Lunch Time Solutions

Equal Opportunity Employer

First Group Bus Company

Bus Route Driver

Substitutes:  Hours vary, on-call basis

For more information and application materials:

1. Contact Amanda Glassmeyer at 605-356-2070, or email:

Equal Opportunity Employer